Information on services
Information on nature and history
How to get to the island
Waterbuses to Pihlajasaari depart from Merisatama and Ruoholahti. Merisatama pier is situated to the west from Kaivopuisto, next to Cafe Carusel. Ruoholahti pier is to the west from restaurant Faro, only 350 meters from Ruoholahti metro station.
Check Pihlajasaari waterbus service timetables and ticket prices on JT-Line website. Island transportation is also included in Journey planner of Helsinki Region Transport.
Pihlajasaari also has a harbour for private boats.

Beaches and saunas
You could say that the whole Pihlajasaari is one big beach. The shallow sandy beach, close to the dock in northern part of the island, is perfect for families with children and those who prefer sandy beaches. The beach is about 500 meters long. There’s a kiosk and a playground for the children on the beach. Toilets and showers nearby.
The rest of the shore is quite rocky, but swimming is possible almost everywhere. On eastern (separate) island there’s a naturist beach.
There’re two sauna’s which are rented by the City of Helsinki